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What is the third character of the word 4zdbu?

Questions :

#1  - Aiex Smith said - reply

what has gone wrong with the web cam.

#2  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Good evening,

Very sorry for the delay. Unfortunately the webcam has had technical issues for a little while now, hopefully we will be able to make it work again in a not so distant future !

Kind regards,

Visit Roscoff

#3  - Duncan Macpherson said - reply

Do you have maps of simple cycle routes around Roscoff. Traffic free or quiet roads

#4  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Good afternoon,

Our apologize for the delay.
The following two links will provide you with cycle routes in and around Roscoff :
There is usually a little more traffic at this time of the year but some parts will be quiet (orange route for the Velyssee and green route for the Voie 5).
There a guide available at the Tourist Information Centre in Roscoff describing 15 itineraries in the area for 1€.

Kindest regards,

Visit Roscoff

#5  - Brian timms said - reply

We are cyclists no car is there a pitch for us
On July 30 for 1 night

#6  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Good evening,

Apologize for the delay. Are you looking for a campsite ? Camping or guesthouse, hotel ? In Roscoff or the close surroundings ? How many persons? Do you have a budget ?
Our website provides you with a list of accommadation :
However, do not hesitate to give us a little more detail as to what you are looking for so we can better assist you.

Kindest regards,

Visit Roscoff

#7  - said - reply

We hope to ride the velodyssey from Roscoff to Nantes at the end of August. Can you send us any information about the route from Roscoff to the Canal de Bretagne and on to Nantes and also details of accommodation on the journey . Thank you.

#8  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Good afternoon,

Well surely this will be a lovely trip ! There are 27 official stages (385 km) to cycle from Roscoff to Nantes. Although the website is in french, you may access a detailed map on the official website.
Regarding the accommodation, unfortunately there is no updated list specific to the velodyssey available, however you can contact the Tourist Information Centres along the way, they can provide you with a list of suitable accommodation. For Roscoff and the surroundings, a list is available here.

Enjoy your trip!
Kindest regards,
Visit Roscoff

#9  - said - reply

Where can I leave luggage during the day in Roscoff, when I visit on 30th May 2020

#10  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Good afternoon,

Apologize for the delayed response. There is only one place in Roscoff where you can leave your luggage :
Hotel La Résidence des Artistes, 14 rue des Johnnies.
Phone : 00 33 2 98 69 74 85
No booking required, you can drop your luggage between 8am and 9pm directly at the hotel. 5€/luggage. ID mandatory.

Kindest regards,

Visit Roscoff team

#11  - David Bevan said - reply

Hi Do you know of any cafes that have vegan options on their menu? We would like to have a meal before the night crossing back to Plymouth.


#12  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Good evening,

Many restaurants in Roscoff offer dishes with fish and vegetables.
Otherwise, the restaurant "l'Ecume des Jours" offer vegetarian dishes.
Address : Quai d'Auxerre, Roscoff. Phone : 00 33 2 98 61 22 83, open tonight.

A list of the restaurants is available on our website, and if you wish detailed information about the opening hours of Roscoff's restaurants, click on the link below :

Have a safe crossing,
King regards,

Visit Roscoff

#13  - Adriana Folly Bringuenti said - reply

Is there anywhere in Roscoff I can leave my car for a few months? I want to cycle in Europe but Brittany Ferry is not taking cyclists, yet .
Thank you for your help.

#14  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Good afternoon,

You might be able to leave it on the carpark behing the old train station, however you would need to first contact the police to ask them if you are allowed to do so, and let them know you will leave it for a few months. They may ask for your contact details.
Police phone number : +33 2 98 19 33 74

Kindest regards,

Visit Roscoff

#15  - Richard Davis said - reply

We have ferry booking from roscoff to Plymouth, in 2 weeks we are travelling through France with a boat on a trailer; total length with van 14mtrs, my question is if we arrive 24hrs before our sailing can we park up securely at the ferry port?

#16  - Graham Hopper said - reply

Are you able to get a Covid test at the ferry terminal before boarding the ferry?

Thank you

#17  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Dear M. Hopper,
Currently all ferries have been cancelled until June, 5.
There are still many uncertainties regarding the safety protocol beyond this date. We recommend you check Brittany Ferries FAQ page for the latest updates on the local requirements of the french government.
Kindest regards,
Visit Roscoff

#18  - David Smith said - reply

What date in August is this years onion johnnies festival.

Thank you

#19  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Dearest M. Smith,
This year the Onion Johnnies Festival will be on the 21st and 22nd of August.
We hope to see you there !
Kindest Regards,
Visit Roscoff

#20  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Dear M. Smith,
Because of the current health situation, the Onion Johnnies Festival has been cancelled this week.
Kind regards,
Visit Roscoff

#21  - Liz Dargan said - reply

Can I park in the town centre car park overnight? Internet showing that it closes at 6pm? - happy to pay if needed. Merci

#22  - visit-roscoff said - reply

Dear Ms. Dargan,

Carparks in Roscoff are accessible 24/24h. During summer a fee applies from 9am to 7pm 7/7 on most carparks located in the city centre. They are now free since September,16.

Kindest regards,

Visit Roscoff

#23  - John Hubbard said - reply

What is the address of the tourist information centre?

#24  - John Brooks said - reply

List hotels

#25  - John Brooks said - reply

Please list recommended hotels

#26  - Ron Turner said - reply

is there a good bus service?

#27  - Nicola Ralston said - reply

I will be arriving by Ferry at Roscoff tomorrow morning at 8am. Can you tell me best way to get to Morlaix train station please?

#28  - Emma Bendy said - reply

I am travelling from Roscoff to Plymouth in September and wish to leave my car at the ferry port in roscoff for 1 week - is this possible please

#29  - Sara said - reply

Bus times to Roscoff

#30  - Carol Warman said - reply

We have tickets for the Autocar bus from Roscoff to Morlaix. But we cannot find out where the bus departs from. SNCF say the station, Breizhgo timetable says Quai d’Auxerres, other sites say it stops at the ferry port. Can anyone help? This is a critical part of our journey on to the Pyrenees! Thank you!

#31  - Gillian Tettmar said - reply

We would like to hire a car from the ferry terminal at Roscoff on 16th June and return it on 30th june. i gather it is not possible to do this from th eterminal. Can we still get a taxi or bus to the nearest hire place, including on 16th June which is a Sunday?

#32  - Gillian Tettmar said - reply

How do we hire a car from Roscoff ferry terminal on 16th June and return it on 30th June

#33  - Roger N Ridley said - reply

Where can I rent a sea kayak in Roscoff?

#34  - Marion said - reply

Nearest cider distillery to Roscoff

#35  - Richard Whiffin said - reply

Which restaurants are open on Monday lunchtime?

#36  - Emily Reardon said - reply

Which day of the week is the open market in Roscoe? Also, is there an onion festival?

#37  - Phillip Eames said - reply

Hi, are there camping shops in Roscoff? We are going across as four passengers on the ferry, and I’ve been told that they can’t take any gas for our camping stove or even a lighter with us on the ferry.

#38  - Phil said - reply

hi, are there any camping shops in Roscoff? We are fucked passengers on the ferry and I’ve been told we can’t take any gas for our camping stove or even a lighter! Do you know where we could get these once we get off the ferry?

#39  - Phil said - reply

I need to find a camping shop, so I can get some gas and a lighter for our cooker, are there any in Roscoff?

#40  - Tim Lucocq said - reply

Where can I get or download a street map of Roscoff complete with street names. I want to see where to booking accommodation for a week

#41  - Stphen Naylor said - reply

Is there a guest house near the Rosoff ferry

#42  - Kevin Kasik said - reply

THE LISTING IS GOOD UNTIL 8 PM Jan 16 >us EST.< THE PAINTING HAS A MONOGRAM H-R. I will send you a photo of it - since I still own it - Of course if you would want to buy it - I don't know of any buyer who would benefit from it more. BTW, it is of the same street > that you feature in some of your photos - so Historically significant. Okay - please respond if you want. Cheers, Kevin Kasik